Feels Like Yesterday
“Feels Like Yesterday” premeiered at the Denver Fringe Festival in June 2023.
It was created and devised by Leah Cardenas, Beau Fisher, Kevin Douglas, Melanie Ochoa, Soleil Kohl, and Breanne Nicole Wilson. It is a show we created about friendship. It’s also about love, death, loss, childhood, playing tag, letters, listening to music, and being grateful for the joy our friends bring us. I wanted to give people a safe space to think about their chosen family and maybe give them a gentle nudge to reach out more.
This show is dedicate those friends of ours who are no longer here; Savannah Marie & Justin Hofferberg to name a few. 💛
Our show is designed for 5 audience members at a time with each ending looking a little different than the others.
What did the crowd say?
Daniel Riha of No Proscenium:
"Feels Like Yesterday had the crucial elements I look for in an immersive experience: a simple story that tangibly progresses; choices for the audience where their interaction affects how events unfold in the experience; opportunities to freely engage with the actors...As the decades-old friend group reunited and made small talk, they introduced the audience members paired as their plus one guest for the reunion. It became apparent that the friend group was one member smaller than it was when they were kids, as the audience learned that the missing friend passed away years prior. As they reminiscenced about their friend and how they are missed, a sensation of sadness emerged, juxtaposed by a desire to live life to its fullest and cherish what you have in the moment. And, most importantly, to not let life’s complications get in the way of maintaining the foundational friendships in your life."